Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Creating the "line-up" (Part II)

TEENAGERSINTOKYO ARE IN! They have agreed to be a part of my project!

They're an Australian band that now lives in London, so the biggest hurl in getting coverage of them is...well...getting to London. I am planning a trip over the holidays, but I just heard from their manager that three of the band members will be going back to Australia for the holidays.

So my options are:
1) Go to London when I planned and interview the two remaining band members (who are both very nice). Maybe see if others related to the band (manager, press agent, etc.) would be willing to go on camera.

2) Go to London when I planned, and perhaps plan another trip back to Old Blightly when the group is all there.

3) Try to move my plans around so I can go towards the end of my holiday break, which is when, I hope, they'd all be back and playing some shows.

The plausibility of #3 all depends on a trip to India that I am planning. Juggling international traveling can be a huge ordeal, and all I know is that it will mean a tight schedule, lack of sleep, and a shitload of time on airplanes.

In other news, here's one of the band's hits, called "Very Vampyr":



  1. I love the you're including the song that you're listening to at the bottom of your blog posts. Very cool. I also like your entries so far: short, simple, point form works well on the Web, too. This is great!
